Ultra-Processed vs. Natural Ingredients – Between Consumption and Awareness

20 March 2025
Ultra-processed foods (UPFs) have become an integral part of our daily diet, but how do consumers perceive these products? A recent study conducted by the Consumer Observatory of EIT Food shed light on opinions and concerns related to this food segment.
UPF: Definition and Consumer Perception
Ultra-processed foods are industrial products that undergo multiple transformations and contain ingredients that are difficult to recognize compared to their original food sources. They are generally formulated with additives, emulsifiers, colorants, artificial flavors, and chemical substances to enhance taste, texture, and shelf life.
What do consumers think? According to the study by the Consumer Observatory of EIT Food, 67% of European consumers state that they prefer foods with recognizable and familiar ingredients. This data reflects widespread distrust toward ultra-processed foods, which are often characterized by long ingredient lists, including additives, preservatives, and emulsifiers.
The difficulty in distinguishing the level of food processing leads many consumers to underestimate the presence of UPFs in their daily diet. While junk food is easily identifiable as ultra-processed, products like sweetened yogurt or bread with preservatives are often mistakenly perceived as less processed foods. Many consumers in Europe prefer foods whose ingredients they recognize and tend to distrust products with long and complex ingredient lists. This factor influences the perception of UPFs, which often contain additives and substances unfamiliar to the public. However, many consumers struggle to differentiate between varying levels of processing.
Why Do People Consume UPFs?
Three main factors drive the choice of these foods: convenience, price, and taste. UPFs are often cheaper than fresh foods, require little to no preparation, and are perceived as tastier. Additionally, they are seen as an occasional treat or indulgence, especially in the case of sweet and salty snacks.
Although UPF consumption is associated with long-term health risks, such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases, awareness of their impact does not always lead consumers to reduce their intake. Many claim to balance them with less processed foods, while those who follow a healthier lifestyle actively seek to avoid them.
Towards Greater Awareness
Atlante’s R&D team is constantly working to develop innovative solutions that meet the needs of consumers who are increasingly attentive to the composition of the products they purchase. For this reason, we offer alternatives such as our Vegamo Tofu Burgers and the latest Vivera branded products, which feature recognizable ingredients with high percentages of tofu and/or vegetables, ensuring quality and transparency without compromising on taste.The Tofu Burgers were created to offer consumers a clean-label product, rich in protein but made with familiar ingredients like tofu, vegetables, and oats. Similarly, Vivera, a leader in meat and fish alternatives, has chosen to prioritize natural ingredients in its latest product launches.The Protein Bites contain high percentages of vegetables, while the new Tofusion line of Oriental-style tofu products is a mix of tofu, vegetables, and Asian spices.Aware of emerging consumer trends and needs, our 2025 plant-based product range has been designed with the goal of offering increasingly clean and transparent ingredient lists.