Charity Food Collection 2023 together with Banco Alimentare

20 November 2023
“Colletta Alimentare” is a national food collection day organised by the Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus that takes place every November, during which non-perishable food is collected to donate to people in difficulty.
For many years Atlante – always attentive to the issue of fighting food waste – has participated in the collection with a large number of colleagues and family members, and this year it has strengthened its commitment by involving friends of Bologna Fc 1909 and students of the International School from Bologna.
“There are over 5 million 674 thousand absolute poor people (+357 thousand compared to 2021), equal to 9.7% of the population: one in ten residents today does not have access to a dignified standard of living”. This says the 2023 Caritas Report on Poverty and Social Exclusion in Italy.
“The Food Collection is a simple gesture, within everyone’s reach: donating food to those in need” – comments Natasha Linhart, CEO of Atlante. “A concrete action that strengthens our civic sense and defeats indifference: we, together, can be that community that helps and protects its neediest children and promotes greater social awareness” – adds Enrico Santi, Atlante Quality Assurance Manager .
Together, on Saturday we helped collect 3,646 kg of food at the Ipercoop Centro Lame shopping center in Bologna, +24.5% more than last year!