plant based hub

Plant Based Hub

Atlante Observatory dedicated to vegan world.

Plant-based Hub was created to meet the demand of a dedicated platform with global news and a special attention for the Italian market. It Includes sector news, trends, interviews to plant-based experts and much more… to dream of a green future together!

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Ultra-Processed vs. Natural Ingredients – Between Consumption and Awareness

20 March 2025

Ultra-processed foods vs natural ingredients: how are consumer habits evolving? Explore the balance between taste, health, and awareness in an increasingly ingredient-conscious market.


Food Megatrends 2025: Growth and Innovation in the Plant-Based Sector

13 March 2025

In 2025, the plant-based sector will grow thanks to new technologies and products that are tastier, more accessible, and functional, transforming food in a sustainable and healthy way.

Food supply chain using artificial intelligence to reduce food waste and enhance sustainability.

Artificial Intelligence in the Fight Against Food Waste: Between Innovation and Sustainability

5 March 2025

Artificial intelligence is transforming how the agri-food sector manages expiry dates, reducing food waste and enhancing sustainability across the supply chain.


Veganuary 2025: A Sustainable Start to the Year

14 February 2025

Veganuary 2025 ha spinto l’industria alimentare a innovare, dai nuovi lanci di prodotti plant-based alle strategie digitali. Scopri come brand e ristoranti stanno ridefinendo il futuro della ristorazione sostenibile.

Illustration of a cow, pig, and chicken stacked on top of each other, symbolizing the impact of Veganuary. The text highlights the potential environmental benefits of adopting a plant-based diet for a month.

Atlante Strengthens Its Commitment to Sustainability with Veganuary 2025

28 January 2025

Atlante renews its commitment to plant-based eating with Veganuary 2025 and Vegamo, supporting a more sustainable future and reducing environmental impact.

Punti chiave dell'Accordo di Parigi: collaborazione globale e resilienza climatica

The Paris Agreement: What It Is and Where We Stand

11 November 2024

The Paris Agreement, signed in 2015, is a landmark in global climate action, aiming to keep global warming below 2°C. Learn what makes this agreement unique and where we stand today in the journey toward a sustainable future.

Achieving climate neutrality: how the EU is paving the way for a greener future through sustainable initiatives.

Achieving Climate Neutrality: How the EU is Paving the Way for a Greener Future

8 November 2024

Climate neutrality: The EU aims for zero emissions by 2050. Here are the 5 pillars of its commitment, from the Green Deal to renewable energy.


The EU ruling on plant-based labeling: a turning point for the plant-based industry

14 October 2024

Atlante welcomes the recent European Court of Justice ruling, which safeguards the use of traditional terms for plant-based products. Natasha Linhart, CEO of Atlante, highlighted that this decision represents a victory for consumer clarity and for a more sustainable food future.


The Growth of Plant-Based Beverages

26 September 2024

Atlante leads the growth of plant-based beverages with sugar-free innovations, the Barista line, and a focus on sustainable, eco-friendly packaging.


Plant drumsticks revolutionise the Plant-based market

29 July 2024

Atlante has introduced Vivera’s plant drumsticks to the Italian market, aiming to offer an innovative and delicious product that also satisfies the most discerning palates.

Trend 2024 bevande vegetali

Plant-based beverages: the cornerstone of the plant-based industry

27 May 2024

Plant-based beverages dominate the market with 7% growth in 2023. Atlante expands the Benesse range and introduces sugar-free and barista lines.

food waste plant based

Food waste and world hunger: what is the connection? Here are insights from the 2024 Food Waste Index report

14 May 2024

Though one-third of the population lacks access to sufficient food, one billion meals are wasted globally every day, equivalent to one-fifth of global food production. This is the data revealed by UNEP’s 2024 Food Waste Index Report, which provides a […]

Health and Plant-Based Nutrition: The Impact of the Health System on Society

Health and Plant-Based Nutrition: The Impact of the Health System on Society

2 May 2024

A study reveals a vegan diet could save the UK’s NHS £6.7 billion and reduce illnesses. The Vegan Society suggests policies to promote healthy and ethical dietary choices.

Veganismo vs alimentazione plant-based

Veganism vs. plant-based nutrition: what is the difference?

17 April 2024

The debate between veganism and plant-based nutrition extends far beyond dietary choices – it involves complex ethical values and nutritional principles. For those approaching these concepts for the first time, it may be helpful to fully understand the differences between […]

Policy sulla commercializzazione di carne, pollame e uova.

Towards a Sustainable, Plant-Based Future: Our Policy for Ethical Sourcing

11 April 2024

Respect for the environment and the animal world are core values for Atlante, and guide every company decision. In 2024, with the aim of establishing clear business development guidelines to address these issues, we decided to formalise our commitment with a policy regarding the marketing of meat, poultry, and eggs.

Tutti gli usi delle proteine di pisello nell’alimentazione vegetale

All the uses of pea protein in plant-based nutrition

10 April 2024

Besides being versatile and tasty, peas are also a valuable source of protein in a plant-based diet. The by-products of this leguminous plant offer a wide range of health benefits and are an essential component for those who value a […]

Sei ciò che mangi

“You Are What You Eat” and the impact of food choices on health and the environment

18 March 2024

The debate on the impact of our food choices on personal health and the environment has never been more heated. The growing global interest in diet and its direct (and indirect) impact on the environment and human health reflects an […]

come cucinare il tofu

How to cook tofu: tips and tricks to make it delicious

19 January 2024

Tofu, though often underestimated in the kitchen, is an exceptionally versatile ingredient that deserves a place of honour in modern cooking. In fact, this soy-based product known for its delicate texture, hides remarkable gastronomic potential. Originating from Asian culinary traditions, […]

Plant-based producers united for the meat sounding.

Meat sounding & cultured meat: plant-based producers in Italy join forces

7 December 2023

Subject: Law on ‘meat-sounding’ products Atlante S.r.l. and other companies such as Io VEG – Consorzio Etico S.r.l, Vis Industrie Alimentari S.p.A, Joy Food S.r.l, Vivera B.V. are closely monitoring and expressing concern about the developments of the draft law […]

burger plant-based

A plant-based future for the health of the planet: where can we begin?

8 November 2023

In a world where sustainability and environmental protection are becoming increasingly central to people’s daily decisions, a recent study shows how our food choices can play a crucial role. The research, published in the Nature Communications journal, examined the potential […]

Dieta vegana, 4 benefici per il pianeta

By eta vegan, 4 benefits for the planet

7 November 2023

The growing awareness of environmental issues has led many people to reflect on their daily habits and lifestyle choices, increasingly encouraging them towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle. One choice that is gaining ground is to adopt a […]

Plant-based sostenibilità

“Future of Food”: Climate Emergency is key

16 October 2023

TBWA’s “Future of Food” Spanning 48 pages, TBWA’s renowned ‘The Future of Food’ report serves as a valuable resource for companies. This comprehensive document offers insights and strategies to guide production, communication, and establish strategic partnerships. This study harnesses a […]

cultured lab-grown meat plant based

Cultured meat, a real food revolution

20 September 2023

The debate over cultured meat has attracted public attention once again. But what is cultured meat, and what are its limitations and potential?

Allevamento alimentazione vegana

As the number of vegans continues to grow, what will happen to livestock farmers?

24 August 2023

The vegan lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular, and many people are rediscovering it. In fact,6.6% of the Italian population declarethemselves vegetarian or vegan (Eurispes data 2023). One of the most common objections to this choice is the potential risk ofbringing […]

gelati vegani estate piatti vegani

Plant-based foods conquer summer: new ideas and the latest options

4 August 2023

The trend for plant-based products continues into summer 2023 Summer 2023 offersno shortage of 100% plant-based options as the variety of meat alternatives on supermarket shelves increases. Plant-based products are, rightly or wrongly, often associated with the idea oflightness and […]

spiedini proteine di pisello plant heroes

The thousand forms of legumes: from tins to pasta, snacks, and alternatives to meat and fish, legume lovers benefit from high rates of innovation

25 July 2023

The thousand forms of legumes: from tins to pasta, snacks, and alternatives to meat and fish, legume lovers benefit from high rates of innovation Beans, peas, and lentils are not just the protagonists of fables and anecdotes steeped in folk […]


The vegan food industry will be worth USD 92 billion by 2027

13 July 2023

The vegan food industry continues to grow exponentially. According to the latest figures released by research firm Research and Markets, the industry’s value is expected to reach USD 92 billion by 2027. Positive numbers reflect an annual growth rate of […]


Sport and the Plant-Based Diet: Success Stories

30 June 2023

As vegan Novak Djokovic raises his 23rd trophy, becoming the most successful tennis player in the history of the Grand Slam in men’s singles, a very interesting study concerning the successful combination of a plant-based diet and sport is published […]


New consumer food trends: sustainability, artisan foods and food waste reduction purchases

7 June 2023

2023 will see the food sector continue its trend towards the reduction of waste food and good, healthy, simple and sustainable foods.

salmone vegano vivera zero salmon salmone senza pesce

Atlante and Vivera launch the first plant-based alternative to salmon fillet on the Italian market

30 May 2023

Vivera line in Italy expands with a new product ready to revolutionise the market of meat alternatives. Atlante is proud to announce the launch of “No-Salmon” branded Vivera.


The Italy 2023 case: food waste decreases by 12%

24 May 2023

Food waste is a complex phenomenon involving producers, distributors and consumers. According to the latest survey conducted by Waste Watcher , most waste (53%) occurs at home: the foods that Italians throw away the most are fruit, vegetables, bread and […]

Cellular agriculture where we are and future prospects

Cellular agriculture: where we are and future prospects

18 May 2023

The climate emergency due to anthropogenic causes and the growing need for food, primarily protein, due to the increase in the world population are stimulating the food industry to find innovative solutions that have a lower impact on the natural […]


Can Soya production (and Vegans) be held responsible for deforestation?

12 April 2023

The issue of deforestation linked to soyabean production has been the subject of debate and controversy for many years. Vegans and their plant-based diet, in particular soya consumption have been, either directly or indirectly blamed for deforestation.  The reality is […]


The trend for edible insects: a food source for all?

30 March 2023

Edible insects, relationship with a plant-based diet and the Entovegan concept; the danger to the environment due to the introduction of foreign species in non-native locations and farming energy costs Are foods containing edible-insects chosen by vegan consumers?   Foods […]


Labelling of meat alternatives: a damaging legislative proposal for all

22 March 2023

On 29 December 2022, Mirco Carloni, the President of the Agriculture Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, presented a bill proposing a ban on the use of meat-related names for plant-based products. This proposed that terms such as ‘burger’ or […]


Fighting food waste through healthy eating education

10 March 2023

The fight against food waste and the adoption of a healthy, balanced diet are two issues that are closely connected.  A concrete and immediate solution is needed to counter the impact of excess waste has on our economy, the environment […]


Tofu: increasingly appreciated by italian consumers

2 March 2023

Tofu has been the first ‘meat alternative’ to emerge and has its roots in a very ancient tradition. The first recipes were created around 2,000 years ago in China, under the Han dynasty. Soy milk was curdled with salt or […]


Vegetable drinks: a market in continuous growth

23 February 2023

The growth of the vegetable drinks market continues. Increasingly people are choosing to avoid dairy products or are looking for more sustainable alternatives with the growth in consumer demand being the key driving force in this sector. The target group […]


Vegamo: a brand that’s always in step with the times

23 February 2023

Vegamo was created by Atlante in 2016 and is now the leading brand for plant-based alternatives in the world of discount stores. Over the years, we have built a wide assortment designed to meet everyone’s needs, from products that taste and […]


Anche quest’anno ottimi risultati per la campagna Veganuary

10 February 2023

Veganuary è un movimento globale che incoraggia le persone a provare uno stile di vita vegano per il mese di gennaio. Il movimento è stato lanciato nel 2014 con l’obiettivo di sensibilizzare le persone sui vantaggi per la salute, per […]

chic fillet atlante in arrivo

Plant Heroes welcomes chic fillet as part of its expanding assortment

30 January 2023

The market for meat alternatives continues to grow  In Italy, the value of plant-based products exceeded €628 million in 2022 (+10% compared to over €570 million in 2021). Plant-based beverages account for almost half this amount (46%, for a value […]


News from the world: Sustainability

8 November 2022

What impact does our diet have on the environment? A study has calculated the impact of a vegetarian or vegan diet on reducing food consumption. These are the results:


News from the world

26 October 2022

The Dutch city of Haarlem will be the first in the world to ban the advertising of meat products. The ban will come into effect in 2024 and will cover a list of products with a high climate impact, including […]


Who are the consumers of meat alternatives?

27 October 2022

Men and womenof all ages (particularly millennials) Attentive to environmental, health and/or animal welfare issues* 90% of them also consume meat**. The largest consumer base are flexitarians: as manyas 46% of European consumers claim to have reduced their meat consumption […]


News from Italy: Market Data

8 November 2022

The growth of the Italian plant-based market was confirmed again this year, when it reached a total value of €588 million (NielsenIQ, a.t. July 2022). Alternatives to chilled meat are confirmed as the product segment driving the category’s growth: they […]


Market Focus: high protein vegetable drinks

25 October 2022

The global market for plant-based protein drinks is worth over $14 billion and continues to grow rapidly. At the same time, consumers are increasingly aware of the importance of a balanced diet and are looking for plant-based products that are […]


Atlante launches Go For Fit plant-based protein drinks

8 November 2022

In line with the protein trend, our R&D department has developed the Go For Fit brand of high protein plant-based drinks, available in natural and cocoa flavours. These drinks are rich in vegetable protein, lactose-free and low in salt. They […]


Vegamo assortment is expanding: the fresh burger is now on the shelves

30 August 2022

Meat alternatives market continues to grow In 2022 the plant-based market in Italy keeps growing and reached €588 Million value (NielsenIQ, MAT July 2022). Chilled meat alternatives are confirmed as the segment that drives the growth of the category: they […]


High protein and plant based? It can be done!

29 August 2022

The consumer base for plant-based drinks in Italy continues to expand “Atlante entered this market around 25 years ago. We were the first in Italy to unlock these products, which were initially designed exclusively for people with intolerances and sold […]



23 May 2022

In May, Plant Heroes’ Belli Freschi range – a highly innovative assortment of fifth-generation products ­– will arrive to the shelves of Esselunga. Our aim was to offer the market a fresh meat-free range that fully satisfies consumers looking for […]



23 May 2022

Precision fermentation enables the production of purified proteins using genetically modified microorganisms (yeasts, bacteria, algae). •Fermentation is a widely tested production process (e.g. in the production of antibiotics). Microorganisms, when placed under suitable conditions and modified with the introduction of […]



23 May 2022

Meat alternatives have ancient origins: Tofu originated in China around 2000 years ago, under the Han dynasty. Soy milk was curdled with salt or acid to form curds, which were then pressed into white blocks. As the recipe spread to […]



31 March 2022

On the occasion of MARCA 2022, the Italian fair dedicated to Private Label that is going to be held in Bologna on 12th and 13th April 2022, Atlante with the participation of Nielsen is pleased to invite you to the […]



17 March 2022

NIELSEN YEAR-END RELEASE Thanks to the increasing number of flexitarians, vegetarians and vegans, and the push of the country’s distribution, meat alternatives performed exceptionally in Italy in 2021. The fresh segment (main meals, tofu and seitan) grew by +29%, for […]



17 March 2022

On February 8, 2022, the Chamber of Deputies approved a constitutional reform for the protection of the environment. Dario Lavagna, Atlante’s Plant Based Business Unit Manager, commented on this very important result. «The Republic of Italy now has a green […]



17 March 2022

The link between soybean crops and deforestation has changed consumer perceptions of soy-based products. Attention to the environment is, in fact, one of the main drivers behind the purchase of plant-based products. Though soy plantations are one of the main […]



17 March 2022

The number of flexitarians around the world is growing. As many as 40% of global consumers say they are actively reducing their meat intake. Who are these consumers? Many of them are very young (gen Z) and passionate about sustainability […]



18 January 2022

Atlante has a great experience in the plant-based world and through the years has developed a wide assortment of milk and meat alternatives in line with market trends and consumer needs. In 2021, Nielsen data confirm the positive trend in […]


Atlante takes part in VEGANUARY 2022

13 January 2022

Atlante has always been committed to sustainability and animal welfare. We are taking part in Veganuary for the second consecutive year with the brand Vegamo. Veganuary is a global challenge that inspires people to follow a plant-based diet for the […]


Atlante drives innovation in the plant-based aisle with its organic seitan and meat-free frankfurters Vegamo

15 October 2021

Plant-based a growing trend The demand for meat alternatives is constantly growing. In particular, around 27% of consumers in the world say they regularly buy plant-based substitutes for meat and in Italy there was a growth in value of 26% […]


Atlante launches a new soya yoghurt in the netherlands

28 July 2021

Plant-based yoghurt: a trending product The plant-based market is currently experiencing a boom in sales and vegan yoghurt is now a global trend. The overall plant-based yoghurt market was valued 2 billion USD in 2020 and has an estimated CAGR […]