Atlante supports the Pakistan population hit by unprecedented floods

12 September 2022
In these past few months, the Pakistan population has been subject to a humanitarian crisis caused by unprecedented floods. The National Disaster Management Authority has confirmed over a thousand deaths, thousands of injured and about 700 thousand homes destroyed, for a total of more than 4 million people affected by the floods in a state of absolute poverty.
The Bologna-based company has organized a charity walk to donate to the Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund.
On September 6, Atlante organized a charity walk to give concrete support to the humanitarian emergency that Pakistan is facing, a country with which Atlante has established a long-lasting commercial relationship for the import of their typical pure cotton products.
To help the Pakistan population, Atlante invited all 90 employees to take part to a charity walk at Parco Talon in Casalecchio di Reno (Bo).
The participation to the walk was completely free for all the employees, but Atlante has committed to allocate 50 euro for each person who took part to the initiative, an amount that will be donated to the Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund, present in 147 districts of the Country thanks to the collaboration with 130 organizations.