Atlante launches a new soya yoghurt in the netherlands

28 July 2021
Plant-based yoghurt: a trending product
The plant-based market is currently experiencing a boom in sales and vegan yoghurt is now a global trend. The overall plant-based yoghurt market was valued 2 billion USD in 2020 and has an estimated CAGR of 18.9% from 2020 to 2027.
The success of vegan yoghurt is due to several factors. On one side the growing awareness of consumers on sustainability of food production and intensive farming is shifting demand towards plant-based products, as they affect less the environment and do not cause animal suffering. Moreover, the number of people affected by lactose intolerance is increasing and about 65% of the world population experiences it in some form. In addition, in the past years the supply of plant-based yoghurt has gone way up and the shelves offer a wide variety of products: with different bases and products pluses, like the presence of proteins, calcium or vitamins.
Atlante launched a new plant-based yoghurt in the netherlands
2020 retail sales of plant-based yoghurt food in the Netherlands grew by +73% YoY to €43m (Nielsen MAT Wk40 2020). Soy is by far the most popular base, with 74% of shares by value.
At the end of June 2021 Atlante launched its plant-based yogurt in the Netherlands: it is now sold in Superunie stores, with its Own Label Melkan.
“It is the first project that we develop for the Dutch market, a novelty for Atlante: it is certainly very interesting and allows us to enter the Northern European market by consolidating our position of plant-based specialized company.
The Melkan yoghurt is the result of an internal synergy between various departments: in order to develop the project for our client we organized several consumer panels. Hence, we collected interesting indications that have allowed us to develop an excellent product that is on the shelves in over 1000 stores of the Dutch retailer Superunie. This is therefore the umpteenth project that has seen us collaborate at 360 degrees with our customer, meeting its needs and customizing a product according to target market.
The key of the project was the ability of our quality department to translate consumer preference in a clear and simple way for the development of Melkan soya yoghurt, which is proving to be a success on the shelves of Superunie.” – states Guido Lanzarini, Business Unit Manager – “Our experience and daily contact with suppliers, manufacturers and distributors allowed us to develop this soya yoghurt in two flavours, plain and vanilla, specifically for the Deutch market.”
The soya yogurt is now on the shelf of over 1000 stores of the Dutch group (30% of market share in the Netherlands).
This project confirms the solid know-how that makes Atlante the ideal partner for successful project development, reacting to the customers’ needs and tailoring products according to the requirements of the market trends guaranteeing the best solutions for our customers.